Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chapter 6 notes

Summary: Lennie was sitting by the pool waiting for George. Lennie patting himself for remembering what George had told him. Then he started see his Aunt Clara. After awhile Aunt Clara disappears, replace by a large and angry rabbit. Then the rabbit hit Lennie where it hurts. Then the rabbit telling Lennie that George will beat him and leave him. Lennie covered his ears and calling for George. George appeared from the bushes, Lennie was glad to see him. Lennie wants George to tell the dream farm story as the men getting closer. Lennie continues look to over the bank. George put the gun behind his head and pulled the trigger.
Lennie lies down in the sand, dead. Ugh, Steinbeck. Could you be any more depressing?


  • How would George feel after he assassinated Lennie?
  • Will his life ever be the same?
  • What will happen next?   

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