Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 3 notes

Summary: George and Lennie were at the bunkhouse. Slim is also there, the other guy were playing horse shoe. George and slim were taking about how he knew Lennie's Aunt Clara. George also tells Slim what happened in Weed with the girl in the red dress. Slim decides that Lennie is a kid but not mean. Carlson comes in and complains about the smell from the dog. Then a shot heard from a distance. Carlson shot the dog. Carlson enters and starts cleaning his gun. Then George and Candy talk about their dreams, getting what they want and freedom. Then Curley start punching Lennie, Lennie crush his face. Lennie is afraid that he's going to get fire but Slim will explain everything.


  • Would it be more complicated for Curley and Lennie?
  • Why does Curley hates tall guys?
  • Will Lennie ever grow up?


1 comment:

  1. Good job Pedro! all of your summary is true and those are questions that I also have! Try not to use white highlighter on white words, you have to drag your mouse over it to read.
