Friday, February 22, 2013

Naturalism as a Mirror of the 1930s

 Let's see if you can make the connection!  Think about some of  the naturalistic elements we identified in class (Chapter 1).  What aspects or characteristics of the 1930s are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text?  What do you believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us or expose about the way people, life, or society was during this time in American history?

"Drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse." This quote was referring to Lennie. This show aspects of the 1930s because Lennie hadn't drank water for a long time. Lennie is walk a highway looking a job with the intense heat behind his back. Lennie probably walked for miles with out any water. A lot of people of 1930s don't have jobs or looking for jobs, they have to rely on the highway for jobs. Or Lennie is exhausted from all the hard work at the farm. Working at the farm, with the heat for hours and no water. Also, most people at the 1930s are farmers, that's the only thing that they are good at.

I believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us how difficult it was during the great depression. It was sad and a tragic event. People were poor, had no families, stressed, and tension. People were all dirty, can't take a shower, wear the same clothes everyday. Even children have to work for their families. People were too poor to have a family. There were lots of traveling, traveling to another city or state in order to find jobs. People had no hope at all during the great depression .

History of the great depression          

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